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Discover Your Superpower & Grow Your Practice

with Ease in 5 Steps

Private practice owners and providers, are you successful yet not satisfied and fulfilled? Do you feel imposter syndrome or Fear Of Missing Out? Time to get aligned with your superpower!

As scientists, most of us healthcare providers are very left-brained thinkers. We may be missing the reasons why we are frustrated or dissatisfied in our work. Sound familiar?

And we could be overlooking our unique personality, the quality that attracts patients to us – what our guest this week calls our superpower. When we build our brand around our superpower, we’re set to achieve peak performance.


Then please make sure you tune in to the Provider’s Edge podcast this week, when host Sabrina Runbeck interviews Hala Chibani, leader, entrepreneurial coach, and business strategist. You’ll learn where those “imposter” feelings could be coming from, and how to back into alignment with your true purpose as a member of the healing profession.

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In this podcast, I interviewed Hala Chibani, leader, entrepreneurial coach, business strategist, and founder of next-level impact. co. Hala coaches doctors, providers, and entrepreneurs to elevate their brand, authority, and impact while amplifying their authentic voice. 

In today's episode, Hala provides 5 valuable tips to grow your practice to the next level by aligning your brand to your authentic purpose – your superpower!

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Live Interview

Without any doubt, healthcare has become more advanced over the past few years but many areas still require improvement. You need to identify the area where you can make a difference.

Show Summary

Practice owners, how successful do you feel in your career right now?

Do you feel fulfilled and accomplished in what you have achieved? If not, what’s next? 

You might be surprised how many highly qualified providers ask themselves that question. You put in all the work to become successful, and yet don’t quite feel fulfilled and satisfied with your achievement. What causes that? Well, there are many ways for a practice to be successful that may not actually touch the core of your personal mission. 

To reach your biggest dreams and revenue goals, you need to know your superpower, according to business strategist Hala Chibani. If that word “superpower” seems a little right-brained to your scientific self, you could substitute the word personality. But superpower is better, because it reminds you that once you identify that one unique quality in your personality that is yours alone – that is a source of authentic power that nobody can compete with. 

So it follows that you will have the greatest success if you build a brand that totally represents you and aligns with who you are. In this blog, we’ll give you 5 tips on how to discover your superpower and grow your practice with ease.

Attracting new patients to grow your practice is a challenge. The healthcare industry is so competitive, and patients have so many choices. So how do you align your practice with your superpower? Start by asking yourself some honest questions and establishing some truths about where you are and where you want to go.

  1. Why do you feel dissatisfied or like an imposter in your role? You put in so many years to become a successful healthcare leader, so why do you not feel the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment you have earned? This is your first step in discovering what you have to do to become the expert you think you should be, stand out from your competition, help new patients find you, and grow your practice to its ultimate potential

2.  Meaningful success comes from being aligned with who you are. As a highly qualified professional, you have many opportunities to use your skills. But just because you are skilled at a certain technique does not mean that it resonates with you as a service that feels important to give. There is a deeper feeling of accomplishment that comes only when your actions are aligned with your true purpose.

3.  You have a superpower. This is not a comic-book kind of superpower. It is your personality, a unique quality that only you possess. It makes patients want to be treated by you and not someone else. This is the quality that makes you stand out from the competition. To achieve maximum success, your practice should be built around your superpower. As a science-based person, are you willing to use your intuition to discover this superpower that sets you apart?

4.  Think back to the emotion that first made you want to enter the healing profession. In your practice, are you fulfilling that emotion? If not, you are likely not feeling the fulfillment and energy to put all your effort into growing your practice to the next level. Once you rediscover the emotion that motivates you, you can understand what impact will give you the most satisfaction. You can create an authentic vision to grow your current practice to its maximum potential. 

5.  Seek aligned visibility. To grow your practice to its fullest potential, you need to reach new patients, and for that you need visibility. But not just any visibility. Instead, look for media platforms and opportunities that are aligned with your purpose. This is when your superpower can shine and you will be able to spark that connection that motivates a patient to put their trust in you.

As a doctor or provider, you are also an entrepreneur, and your brand should reflect you at your most authentic level. Whether you are growing your practice or growing your business, the brand that’s built on your superpower will be most successful for you. 

So there you have it, 5 tips to help you discover your superpower and grow your practice with ease. That’s not an exaggeration: When your growth is aligned with your inner purpose, your business moves will come easily. You won’t struggle so hard. And the odds are great that you will feel a renewed sense of the satisfaction you hoped for when you joined the healing profession.

Want to hear more detailed examples that are not included in this article?

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If you are an established and successful practice owners, we would love to feature you on our show. Apply now:  http://SabrinaRuneck.com/Interviews

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