Enhancing Soft Skills to Improve Clinical Outcomes with Damion Jenkins

How would you rate your soft skills?
We all have them, how well have you been using your soft skill to your advantage?
You can be the best at what you do clinically, but if you cannot connect with your patients and other key players in your circle, you won't be effective.
Only when you motivate and lead your teams well, then your hard-earned titles have value.
How can you be more powerful in creating better outcomes for your team?
This is why I invited Damion Jenkins to speak with you today.
Damion is the NCLEX Prep Expertise, a Nurse Educator, a Writer & the CEO of The Nurse Speak.
He shares today how to develop your interpersonal skills to win every time.
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To connect with Damion his links are below:
LinkedIn: Damion Jenkins
Instagram/Twitter: @TheNurseSpeak
NCLEX Strategies for Success Program with Expert One-to-One Tutoring visit thenursespeak.com/program-options
Thank you again for joining us today! Please share this episode with friends and colleagues who will enjoy this week’s discussion.
#BetterEveryday #GrowTogether
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Healthcare Private Practice Owners
I can help you run a peak performance team while gaining you a day per week
After overcoming burnout working in surgery, Sabrina Runbeck went back to her roots in neuroscience and public health helping healthcare practice owners and their teams to develop mental immunity so they can do less, achieve higher, and enjoy more.
Her clients stop having endless to-do lists, constantly putting out fires, or are not able to move steadily forward.
If you want to gain a day per week and increase your team’s productivity... then you have landed on the right page, with the right consultant who is also a recovered clinician.