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5 Fundamental Keys for

Sustainable Growth as a
Healthcare Leader

Healthcare is a lot more than being a doctor, a PA, an NP, a therapist, or a nurse.

It’s an ocean of opportunities where you can make a great difference. In this episode, we discussed the 5 must-have fundamental elements that make amazing healthcare leaders who can create a sustainable movement for their organizations and their communities.

You can adapt these to your practices today.  It’s about time that you stretch your wings and show how valuable you are.

Our feature guest today is Maria Patricia (Patti) Cuartas, PA-C, MBA, PMO, FACHE, an Executive Director and Associate CMIO who had practiced in medicine as a Physician Associate.

She shared her experience about how she worked on fixing the problems in New York City while being an executive leader for the Mount Sinai Health System and a clinician in the emergency department.

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To connect with Patti, find her links below:


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Show Summary

Healthcare is a vast field where you need to have particular skill sets and practical experience to treat a patient. But when a friend, a relative, or any other patient asks you for help, you consider yourself responsible and you try your best to guide them accordingly.

Sometimes, you consult your seniors and colleagues to provide the best possible treatment to the person that has come to you for help. But it takes a lot of time and energy to guide them properly. Most of the time, you even spend extra time serving the patients because you love what you’re doing.

But have you ever thought of finding a more effective solution for everyone who’s experiencing such problems? Don’t you think it’s better to serve a majority of people in healthcare rather than helping a few?

Identify the Problems And Find a Solution

Without any doubt, healthcare has become more advanced over the past few years but many areas still require improvement. You need to identify the area where you can make a difference.

For example, if you’re in the emergency department, you need to identify the problems the patients and the providers commonly face. You can then create a list of these problems and start looking for ways to simplify the process for patients and providers.

Every healthcare department has its own problems and complexities. You can only identify those problems if you’ve worked in that department for some time. So, you can always make a difference no matter what department you’re in.

It’s better to look for problems that are affecting the universal healthcare system. Thus, you can make a bigger impact in this field.

In episode 1 of The Provider’s Edge podcast, we identified 5 fundamental keys to create sustainable growth as a healthcare leader.

They are making the right change, leading initiatives that matter, creating balancing act, align your career goal with your life goal, and be receptive to growth.

To listen to the detailed explanation, click on this link now: sabrinarunbeck.com

Patti Cuartas is an Inspiration

Patti Cuartas, the executive director, and associate CMIO at Sinai Health network is an inspiration for those who are willing to improve healthcare for good. In our recent podcast, she shared details about her experience of going from being a PA in the emergency department to becoming an industry leader.

She started her career as a PA in the emergency department and passionately served the patients day in and day out because she truly loved helping people. After some time, she started observing a number of problems people face in the emergency department.

She noticed that a vast majority of hospitals and private practices fail to maintain a balance between constant growth and patient satisfaction. Most healthcare institutes compromise on their growth while trying to provide better treatment to the patients.

Patti realized that it will eventually affect the performance of the healthcare system. So, she started her MBA to define a reasonable business model that may help with solving this problem. After completing her MBA, she worked with different health institutions to help them with building a perfect balancing plan.

She got a chance to work with bigger health institutes like New York City’s Health and Hospitals. She was moved into technology while she was working at the Health and Hospitals. This is where she found many other areas that need attention. That’s why she endorses everyone to contribute to the improvement of healthcare.

She also mentioned attending different courses and classes to improve her leadership skills. And she’s still working on improving her leadership skills.

To listen to the detailed explanation, click on this link now: SabrinaRunbeck.com

Take that First Step

It’s time that you start looking for areas that require attention in your department. Once you started thinking about the challenges, you’d be able to identify the area where you may make a difference. In some cases, it may take

It’s time that you start looking for areas that require attention in your department. Once you started thinking about the challenges, you’d be able to identify the area where you may make a difference. In some cases, it may take some time to identify that critical problem that requires more attention. But you need to take that first step if you’re willing to improve healthcare.

If you need some assistance about how you can contribute to the improvement of healthcare, we invite you to listen to our podcast with Patti Cuartas.

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