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Are You Fighting the Right Battles

in Your HealthTech Journey?

Are you customizing your strategy for each client, or are you missing out on market opportunities? It’s a question most HealthTech executives aren’t asking themselves often enough. Too many brilliant innovators focus on building the perfect product, yet they neglect the most critical part—finding the right channels to engage their audience and navigating the complex world of healthcare regulations. The real danger lies not in having a mediocre product, but in aiming your marketing efforts in the wrong direction.

Let's dive into the crucial challenges you need to overcome to truly succeed in this complex industry.

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Live Interview

The Wake-Up Call: Understanding the Real Problem

Recently, I had eye-opening conversations with two talented health tech executives who are promoting impressive mental health solutions. Their stories highlight the hidden challenges that many HealthTech innovators face.

Case Study 1: The Mental Health Game App

The first developer had created an engaging mental health game app with a large user base and generating revenues in the 8-figures. They were excited about the potential to break into the pharmaceutical market, leveraging their extensive database for clinical trials. However, they hadn't considered the complexities of controlling confounding variables or the stringent regulations in the pharmaceutical industry.

While they had a wealth of survey data, they faced a significant hurdle: their app only collected survey responses without biomarkers or other indicators to prove a measurable mental health improvement. This meant they would struggle to control confounding variables effectively. In clinical trials, researchers need to ask numerous additional personal questions to properly include or exclude survey candidates. This limitation made their data less valuable for pharmaceutical research.

On top of that, they hadn't fully grasped the multiple layers of regulations they'd need to navigate across various departments in the pharmaceutical industry. This oversight meant they were investing time, resources, and energy in a marketing channel that wasn't well-suited to their product.

Case Study 2: The Early Dementia Detection Tool

The second executive is leading an early dementia detection tool that had already gained insurance reimbursement. On the surface, it seemed like a dream scenario: patients didn't need to pay for the service, family members get a better understanding of the patient’s condition, and clinicians could bill for it. However, they faced an unexpected challenge: integration into existing hospital workflows.

Their app required staff to log into a separate system outside the existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. This disruption to the established workflow meant that staff often forgot to use it, or new employees weren't properly trained on its use. Despite its potential benefits, the tool wasn't being utilized effectively due to these practical implementation challenges.


These conversations were a wake-up call: In healthcare, it's not just about having the best idea. It's about understanding where and how that idea fits into the specific framework of the organizations you're targeting.


The Four Key Challenges in HealthTech Innovation

Let's break down the four critical challenges that every health and wellness innovator must navigate:

1. Organizational Regulations Go Beyond General Government Rules

Healthcare organizations often have regulations that extend far beyond general government rules. This complex regulatory landscape can catch many innovators off guard.

  • Many healthcare organizations have their own Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) that evaluate and approve new technologies or research initiatives.
  • Hospital systems often have specific cybersecurity requirements that go beyond HIPAA, such as encryption standards or data storage locations.
  • Some organizations have strict policies on integrating third-party software with their existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.

For the mental health game app developer, this meant that despite having a large user database, they weren't equipped to navigate the multiple regulations across various departments in the pharmaceutical industry. Knowing these hurdles upfront could have saved them significant time, resources, and energy spent on the wrong marketing channel.

As noted in a recent study, "Many digital health startups struggle with outdated regulations that weren't designed for modern technology, leading to high failure rates" [2]. This regulatory ambiguity is a significant challenge that HealthTech innovators must be prepared to face.

2. Aligning with Operational Restrictions and Patient Care Protocols

Your product might solve a problem, but does it fit within the organization's operational framework and specific patient care protocols?

  • Healthcare providers may have specific clinical pathways or treatment protocols that any new technology must seamlessly integrate with.
  • Some hospitals have limitations on the types of devices that can be used within certain departments (e.g., no Bluetooth devices in ICUs).
  • Staffing models and shift structures can impact how new technologies are implemented and used in daily workflows.

The early dementia detection app faced this challenge head-on. Despite gaining insurance reimbursement, it required staff to log into a separate system outside their existing EHR. This disruption to workflow meant staff often forgot to use it, or new employees weren't properly trained on its use.

3. Understanding Internal Standards and Restrictions

To create effective solutions, you need to deeply understand your client's internal landscape and craft solutions that not only comply but actually serve their needs effectively.

  • Many healthcare organizations have preferred vendor lists or existing contracts that can influence technology adoption decisions.
  • Some hospitals have specific requirements for staff training on new technologies, which can impact implementation timelines.
  • Internal IT departments often have their own standards for software development, testing, and deployment that external vendors must adhere to.

The early dementia app, while valuable, didn't align with many hospitals' primary revenue sources. Large physician organizations and hospitals often prioritize solutions for departments like cardiac surgery, orthopedics, and radiology. A tool for primary care and internal medicine, despite its importance, might not match their primary goals due to lower ROI.

As healthcare consultant Jillian Wood points out, "Understanding the regulatory landscape is crucial for executives to ensure compliance and strategic alignment" [1]. This understanding extends beyond just government regulations to include the specific operational standards of individual healthcare organizations.

4. Matching Specific Workflows and Pain Points

Even groundbreaking solutions can struggle if they don't align with the specific needs and workflows of individual healthcare systems.

  • Different specialties within a hospital may have vastly different needs and workflows (e.g., emergency department vs. outpatient clinics).
  • Rural and urban healthcare settings often face unique challenges that require tailored solutions.
  • Academic medical centers may have additional requirements related to research and teaching that impact technology adoption.

Both the mental health game app and the early dementia detection tool would likely find more success by focusing on telehealth and rural physician groups. These settings often lack established tech platforms, making them more open to adopting new solutions that can integrate easily and demonstrate clear value.


Strategies for Success in HealthTech Innovation

Given these challenges, how can HealthTech innovators position themselves for success? Here are some key strategies:

  1. Conduct Thorough Research Understand the specific regulations and operational standards of each organization you target, not just the overarching laws. As noted by healthcare compliance experts, "Executives should familiarize themselves with federal, state, and industry-specific regulations to ensure compliance and strategic alignment" [5].
  2. Build Strong Relationships Engage with compliance officers and key stakeholders within each organization to gain insights into their unique requirements. Building these relationships can provide invaluable insider knowledge about an organization's specific needs and challenges.
  3. Customize Your Approach Tailor your compliance strategies and product features to meet the specific needs of each organization. One size does not fit all in healthcare technology.
  4. Leverage Technology Use compliance management tools to track and adapt to varying regulations across different organizations efficiently. As healthcare technology expert Dr. John Halamka suggests, "Implementing compliance software and digital tools can streamline processes, manage documentation, and facilitate regulatory updates" [4].
  5. Prioritize Continuous Education Regularly update your team on the specific compliance requirements of each organization you collaborate with. This ongoing education ensures that your entire team is aligned with the latest regulatory requirements and organizational needs.
  6. Focus on Integration Ensure your solution can seamlessly integrate with existing systems and workflows. As we saw with the early dementia detection app, even a valuable tool can fail if it disrupts established workflows.
  7. Understand the Financial Landscape Know where the money flows within healthcare organizations. As demonstrated by both case studies, understanding the financial priorities of your target organizations is crucial for positioning your product effectively.
  8. Assess your company's impact and growth potential against your competitors. When you have a better understanding what are your strengths and weaknesses then you can take tailored actions for growth. Take the free assessment at ImpactQuotientQuiz.com

The Real Work Begins

Your brilliant solution is just the starting point. To truly succeed in HealthTech, you need to:

  • Tailor your product to each organization's unique structure, priorities, and operational restrictions.
  • Understand your ideal client avatar deeply.
  • Navigate complex regulations effectively.
  • Position your product where the money flows within the healthcare system.

Remember, change in healthcare requires persistence. But with the right strategy, you can turn regulatory challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth. As healthcare innovation expert Dr. Eric Topol notes, "The regulation of AI in healthcare presents unique challenges, such as ensuring data quality and managing evolving algorithms. Innovators must address these issues to maintain trust and compliance" [3].


Are you fighting the right battles in your HealthTech journey? Are you customizing your strategy for each client, or are you missing out on market opportunities?

Share your experiences and strategies in the comments below. How are you aligning your innovation with your clients' specific needs? What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

Let's continue this important conversation and push the boundaries of HealthTech innovation together. The future of healthcare depends on innovators like you who are willing to navigate these complex challenges and create solutions that truly make a difference.

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[1] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/navigating-healthcare-regulations-strategic-roadmap-jillian/ [2] https://medcitynews.com/2024/06/how-regulatory-ambiguity-is-impeding-healthcare-innovation/ [3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10125205/ 

[4] https://www.news-medical.net/health/Compliance-Challenges-in-Healthcare-Balancing-Innovation-and-Regulation.aspx

[5] https://evercheck.com/navigating-healthcare-compliance-a-comprehensive-guide/ 


About the author:

Sabrina Runbeck, MPH, MHS, PA-C, empowers healthcare innovators to streamline their businesses so they can scale effortlessly—even while taking a 4-week vacation. A former Cardiothoracic Surgery Physician Associate, she co-founded PulsePoint Path, working with an advisory board to help founders amplify their social impact and profits. A bestselling author and sought-after speaker, Sabrina hosts the "Provider's Edge" and "HealthTech Growth" podcasts, while leading Healthcare Amplified, a network focused on boosting visibility and relationships for innovative healthcare leaders.

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After overcoming burnout working in surgery, I went back to my roots in neuroscience and public health. I learned the importance of building key human relationships with my team throughout our organization.

While helping healthcare executives and entrepreneurs to get out of the day-to-day operation of their practice, I realized I needed more visibility and more connections to reach my ideal clients.

Once I set out to be highly visible in the right circles, I was able to leverage my network of strategic partners to convert clients 5x higher than any other marketing channel I had tried previously.

Now I help healthcare change-makers to accelerate their impact and increase profitability by gaining visibility and credibility with the right strategic partners.

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