
Top 8 Legitimate Tips To ElevateĀ 

Your Authority As A Healthcare Leader In the Workplace

The question of how to become a healthcare leader is a question that might be on everybody's mind.

Here are 8 tips to define your leadership style and learn the fundamental principles of becoming an effective leader.

To achieve visibility and authority in the workplace as an uprising executive or seasoned practice owner, you can enhance your professional achievements and add to your credentials, both now and in the future.

What are you waiting for?

Do you want to ensure your visibility among your peers? Find out the 8 key points now to beat your competition by listening and subscribing to our episode now!

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Show Summary

In today's world, where we need to adapt to ever-changing business needs, one of the biggest challenges women leaders face is constantly trying to find a way to balance their authentic selves with the expectations of their peers, employees, and clients.

Our healthcare workplace has gotten much more diverse, and yet it doesn't seem like diversity is at the forefront of our minds as we go through these different stages of growth. The good news is that many healthcare professionals are starting to take action to infuse the workplace with the diversity they know makes workplaces thrive: women leaders. How can you, a woman leader, stand out if so many men are speaking up? How can you be heard?

With so many people looking to find their place in the world and hold purposeful and successful careers in healthcare, it can be tough. To standout, women leaders need to build themselves as thought leaders. Personal branding, therefore, is an important way to make a name for themselves in the careers that you love.

Everyone should care about personal branding, as it is an investment in yourself. In a tight economy, you need to be able to stand out from the crowd. One of the ways to do this is to build a brand that communicates all of your best qualities and unique skills.

How To Be A Positive Influence In The Workplace

1. Transparent Leadership.

The first step in elevating your authority as a leader is to be transparent which means sharing information with your team and the company at large. This can be difficult, but if you want to be seen as an effective leader, it's essential. If people can't see what you're doing, they won't know whether or not you're doing anything worth noting. Don't just share information about projects or initiatives; share how you're accomplishing them and why they matter.

Ā 2. Know Your Perspective

It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of work, but it's important to remember that when you're leading others, you have a perspective that can help them see things from your point of view. A good leader knows how she sees things and communicates this to her team so that they can make informed decisions based on facts, not assumptions..

3. Parameter: rational vs emotional

Donā€™t forget that we are human beings. We're not just rational, logical decision-makers, we have emotions and feelings too. when those emotions are stirred up, it can be hard for us to keep our heads on straight.

Leaders need to keep an eye on their emotional state when making decisions in order to call upon their best judgment. When you're in a time of crisis or feeling overwhelmed, it's okay to ask yourself: Do I want to hang out with this person? Do I want to do business with this person? Do I want to promote this person? Trust is formed through consistency between your rational and emotional sides.

4. Collective Decision Making

When leaders are working on solving problems or making decisions without being aware of the wider implications they can sometimes make unilateral decisions they might miss an opportunity to build stronger relationships with other departments or stakeholders in order to come up with a better solution. This is where authenticity comes in.Ā 

Authenticity is about delivering value for your company and showing that you believe in yourself enough to share that value with everyone else.

5. Valuable Collaboration

As a leader in the workplace, it's important to remember that collaboration is a two-way street. The best decisions are made when everyone can contribute their opinions, and the best way to cultivate collaboration is by making sure everyone feels comfortable contributing.

If we value connection and collaboration, then we have to create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions and that starts with you. Make sure your team has open communication channels so that they can express themselves freely and honestly!

6. Know Your Worth & Get Paid for it

We all know that money is the root of all evil, right?

The myth about having more money is bad got to stop.Ā 

Money gives us security and helps us to create more impacts. Without it, you wonā€™t be able to hire the best staff or keep your practice at flow. How much you get paid also reflect on your worth which translates into appreciation.Ā 

Take some time today to explore who you are as a leader. What makes you unique? What do you bring to the table that is valuable for your company? What do you offer that no one else can provide? Break down what makes YOU different from everyone else and how that can help YOUR company succeed. If you're truly looking to evaluate and elevate your worth in the workplace, then it's time to start asking people what they think.

Here's how:

  • Ask for feedback from your team or peers who have been with you for a while. You want to make sure that whatever you're doing is working to support them and challenge them to grow. Ask them to speak up if there is something they like to change!
  • If you have a peer who has been with your company longer than you have, reach out and get their perspective on how things are going. They might have different ideas or insights than yours because they've had time to see how things develop over time. Donā€™t feel threatened by any suggestions. Take them as fruits for thoughts.
  • When someone comes up with an idea that seems like it would benefit both parties involved, ask them if they're willing and able to take ownership of it and make it happen! This might mean coming up with a new strategy or being willing to take on additional responsibilities within.

Once you've figured out what makes YOU different from everyone else and how those qualities can help YOUR clinic succeed, make sure that others know about them! Share this information with other members of your team so they can recognize these values too!

7. Be Aware Of Market Value

Your clinical practiceā€™s success depends on you being able to identify and understand the value of your work. This is especially important in today's world where we are all highly connected.

To be successful, you need to know how your skills and experience compare with other people in your field. You need to know what other health organizations want for their employees - or even for their own products and services. The more you know about the market, the more likely you are to be able to find work that meets both your needs and the needs of others!

8. Don't Undervalue Your Efforts

The best way to make sure that others know how much effort you are putting into your work is sharing clearly what you're doing. This will give them something tangible to connect with and show off and that's not something you want to miss!

As a leader and practice owner, you should always ensure that you have a balanced approach. Not only does this help to ensure that you are not being too aggressive with your words, but it also ensures that your team feels respected and valued for their input. If you are always seeking out feedback from others and making changes based on what they say, then they will feel like an equal part of the decision-making process.

This article is a summary from my conversation with Rebecca Allen on episode #8 of the Provider's Edge Podcast. Subscribe šŸ”” and listen šŸ”Što the entire discussion nowā—

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