Cultural Fit: Why Shared Values Matter in HealthTech Leadership

Cultural Fit: Why Shared Values Matter in HealthTech Leadership   If you’re already at the helm of an established healthcare technology company, you understand the challenges of steering a ship to success. But what if you’re about to welcome a new executive (and possibly, a new teammate) on your board of advisors? How do you…

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5 Ways in Which Virtual Assistants Transform Patient Care in Healthcare Practices w/ Beth Lachance EP 61

5 Ways in Which Virtual Assistants Transform Patient Care in Healthcare Practices w/ Beth Lachance EP 61 Embracing innovative solutions is key to driving growth and enhancing patient care in today’s healthcare industry. Virtual assistants are one such solution, promising to bring about significant changes in the way medical practices operate. In this exploration, we…

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Revolutionizing Healthcare: Cultivating Passion, Empathy, and Love with Dr. Carl Lavarota

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Cultivating Passion, Empathy, and Love In this insightful episode, we embarked on a journey to explore the key factors that drive healthcare transformation. From the power of passion and love in serving others to the profound impact of the doctor-patient relationship, we gained valuable insights into creating a patient-centered approach. As healthcare leaders,…

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Building Strong Business Relationships with Sabrina Runbeck Ep 54

Building Strong Business Relationships with Sabrina Runbeck Ep 54 The world of healthcare is full of challenges and uncertainties. With complex regulations, safety concerns, and evolving patient needs, it takes strong leadership to navigate this dynamic landscape. Inspired by Airbnb’s unwavering determination, healthcare leaders can adopt a mindset that sees setbacks as opportunities for growth…

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How to take care of yourself as a healthcare entrepreneur

Rewrite the Rules of Psychiatry: An Insider’s Guide to Professional Fulfillment How to take care of yourself as a healthcare entrepreneur As a healthcare entrepreneur, you’re constantly hustling to make things happen. You’re always on the go, and it’s easy to let your own health fall by the wayside. But if you don’t take care…

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